Hello,This is me!

Irawan Afrianzza

A'maquhum nazharan-Yang paling luas cara pandangnya A'maquhum fikran-Yang paling dalam pemikirannya Aslabuhum tanzhiman-Yang paling solid penataan organisasinya I LOVE UMI FAUZIAH

About me


I'mIrawan Afrianzza

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Hal Baru Yang didapatkan di Bogor EduCARE

at Bogor EduCARE Rooftop

Bogor EduCARE mendahsyatkan pribadi biasa menjadi pribadi yang luar biasa dan betapa beruntungnya orang-orang yang masuk dan bergabung di Bogor EduCARE.
Melalui artikel ini saya akan sedikit menceritakan mengenai Bogor EduCARE. Yap seperti namanya, kampus ini terletak di Bogor, tepatnya di Jl. Cikiray RT 03/RW 06, Sukaraja, Kab. Bogor Jawa Barat.
Yayasan Peduli Pendidikan Mandiri BOGOR EduCARE  adalah lembaga pendidikan yang menyediakan kuliah beasiswa penuh (FULL SCHOLARSHIP) bagi lulusan SMA/sederajat. 
Bogor EduCARE is a place when English improve your live. Kampus berjuta mimpi dengan berbasis Bahasa Inggris da Komputer. Bogor EduCARE itu Non Degree, meski begitu lulusan BEC tidak kalah hebatnya, tidak kalah kemampuannya dengan mahasiswa perguruan tinggi lainnya, di Bogor EduCARE kita hanya menempuh masa kuliah kurang lebih selama 1,5 tahun teori dan praktik, dalam jangka waktu tersebut setara dengan lulusan D3 di universitas yang lain, hanya saja di Bogor EduCARE waktu lebih dipersingkat dan lebih padat dan di Bogor EduCARE hanya ada satu Fakultas yaitu Administasi Bisnis.
 Anda pasti bertanya, mana ada kampus dengan satu fakultas?! Mana ada kampus dengan Full ScholarShip? Jangan jangan itu bukan Kampus? Jangan jangan pendidikannya ga bener? Jangan-jangan, jangan-jangan….  No, itu hanya asumsi kalian saja, BEC (panggilan akrab Bogor EduCARE) hanya satu fakultas karena Bogor EduCARE mendidik mahasiswanya untuk Professional, professional  di bidang Administrasi Bisnis dan Bogor EduCARE mengadakan Beasiswa Penuh karena Bogor EduCARE  didanai dan di dukung oleh  2 perusahaan besar, yaitu PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama dan PT. Poso Energy. Dua perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia dan Dunia.
BEC sudah mencetak ribuan generasi muda yang berprestasi dan unggulan khususnya di beberapa Perusahaan dan umumnya masyarakat. Selama penulis belajar di Bogor EduCARE, banyak hal baru yang penulis dapatkan di BEC, di antaranya
Pertama penulis dapat menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan, dan semuanya dipelajari dari dasar.
Kedua, penulis dan mahasiswa lainnya di didik agar mampu dan handal menangani tugas administrasi bisnis.
Ketiga, InshaAllah mahir mengoperasikan computer dan Internet.
Keempat, penulis dan mahasiswa yang lain belajar dan mempelajari  teknik – teknik mengetik cepat sepuluh jari sampai mahir.
Kelima, mahir membuat web internet.
Keenam,  mahir di bidang desain grafis.
Ketujuh, praktik  bisnis online. Di era modern seperti sekarang ini, bisnis online banyak digemari oleh masyarakat, dari yang tua sampai yang muda, dari yang perekonomiannya masyarakat menengah bawah sampai masyarakat menengah atas. Semua dapat hak yang sama. Mempelajari bisnis online benar – benar sangat menguntungkan. Di Bogor EduCARE bisinis online bahkan dijadikan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib dipelajari.  Semua kita pelajari, tekuni dan pelajari dari dasar sampai mahir.
Kedelapan, mahasiswa diajarkan cara bersosialisasi dan cara berorganisasi dengan baik. Kita (mahasiswa) di tuntun dan diarahkan oleh dosen pembimbing bagaimana supaya memiliki akhlak dan budi pekerti yang baik.
Cukup banyak bukan? Masih banyak hal yang menarik di Bogor EduCARE. Waktu tempuh kuliah hanya kurang lebih 1,5 tahun teori dan praktik. Kuliah singkat namun menorehkan berjuta kenangan indah yang tak akan pernah terlupakan. So? Bagi Anda yang ingin sekali melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi, Bogor EduCARE adalah tempat yang tepat. Tunggu apalagi buruan daftarkan segera diri Anda di Bogor EduCARE.

Untuk mengetahui  lebih jelas tentang Bogor EduCARE  dilahkan kunjungi website resmi Bogor EduCARE berikut : www.bogoreducare.org dan pmb.bogoreducare.org

My Experience at Bogor EduCARE

at Bogor EduCARE's Library

The first quarterly at Bogor EduCARE
Irawan Afrianzza is my name, and I was born in Bogor, April 13 1996. I was finished a program of Social Sciences at Senior High School of AL HUSNA last years. And now, I am continue studying in Educational Institute of Bogor EduCARE.
This time, I want to tell about my experience at Bogor EduCARE. Let’s check it. To join at Bogor EduCARE it is not easy, I must follow some steps for accepted such as:
The first is registration at Bogor EduCARE. The Second is writing test (Psychology test, Mathematics, English and general test). Third is home survey, the lecture visited to my home. Next steps is interview on Bogor EduCARE. Lastly, the orientation of student.
After officially accepted, the first to do is Wiyata Mandala (Introduce of school) for a several days. There I know, what is Bogor EduCARE, and what is allowed and not allowed at Bogor EduCARE.
During orientation of student, we are divided into 8 teams, A’s team until H’s team. Huhuhuhu and I get in the last team, Humble team – Ar – Razi. I still remembered it. The orientation student is time for student (me too) open mindset, open myself with public on school and with new friends. Handshake and introduce the name. After that, the student will be followed few quarterly, there are quarterly 1, 2, 3 and Industries Practicing.
Now, I am on the second quarterly and I want to tell my experience in first quarterly. Before to tell my experience, I want to describe about Bogor EduCARE by my mind. Bogor EduCARE is a place which giving full scholarship for a poor people who want to continue study, may be this is a reason at Bogor EduCARE has more rules. If during this time the people think rules are made to be broken, but different condition at Bogor EduCARE, the rules are made to be obeyed, we are should do and must do it. One of strange rules is the student must not to bring a electronic things and the student don’t dating. I think at Bogor EduCARE was created a regular person to be extraordinary person. Private horrify ordinary into the extraordinary. Discipline, noble morality, strong of problems, obey the rules and on time. So? Bogor EduCARE is the right place for me to learn.
Ohia, at Bogor EduCARE  has a faculty of Business Administration but on Bogor EduCARE we are learning basic language, computer, graphic design and business. Yaps, those are BOGOR EDUCARE in my mind.
The first quarterly is the adaptation process between me and any other, me and lesson, and me to environment. It is not easy and also not hard, I only need times for adaptation. But Alhamdulillah I can do.
The first quarterly, I was member of Brave family and also a leader of Bogor EduCARE’s Library division until now. I got to identify some characters of them and we got chemistry each other, connecting relationship between us. From taciturn character until over talk active. But, that is made us different from other class and this times made us compact, to be good communication, and building a new family. We felt needs more each other.
The first quarterly, I learned and trained memorize skill. Bogor EduCARE has 13 lessons and more of all is memorize. Every student has a different character each other, the first is student who liked memorize and the second is student doesn’t like to memorize.
For people who liked memorize this is a glory victory and any other is a disaster, a storm that should be stepping, more memorize in all days. Homework never stopped at the time. Over all that is very interest for memorably and become a trending topic at the time. If you get a problems lets it flow and do the best. Only the best person who stay afloat on Bogor EduCARE. Do some problem at the last time.
I was managed a good time and keep healthy so that I do not get sick because in first quarterly I busy to get activity every day and every night for homework, nothing weekend and nothing holiday. Nothing time for lazy and nothing time for playing a not clear.
Four months is a long time to know each other, to know character member of Bogor EduCARE’s Library division and to know character person of Brave family. We are finished many problem together for a long time. With each time the same, 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in hour and 24 hours in a day. 7 days a week and beyond…
With they are (Bogor EduCARE’s Library and Brave Class) beautiful smile reflected in my lips. Encouragement when I have a problem and push me up when down and excite me when I fell.
They are my reasons to stay afloat until now and continued to next step, next quarterly. Meeting and emotionally draining farewell.

Irawan Afrianzza
Bogor, Indonesia


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